The Application of Installation Technology Under Water for the Precast Concrete Piece in the Asphalt Wharf of Wuhu Port 高施工水位安装技术在长江芜湖港沥青专用码头中的应用
Technology research of design and fabrication and installation about precast concrete stand slab in National Stadium 国家体育场清水混凝土预制看台设计、制作及安装技术
It was made of a large precast concrete panel. 这是由一大型混凝土预制板制成的。
Nowadays, solid walling is generally constructed of either bricks, precast concrete blocks or in-situ concrete. 目前,实体墙通常采用砖、混凝土砌块砌筑或用钢筋混凝土浇注而成的。
Environment Protection Measures in Construction of Precast Concrete Piles 混凝土预制桩施工中的环境保护措施
Hammer not only the single pile hammer with hard combinations precast concrete plant pipe pile, steel sheet pile, the pile. 该锤不仅可单锤与桩架组合打植混凝土预制管桩、方桩、钢板桩、灌注桩。
Precast concrete blocks are made by pouring unset concrete into a mold and allowing it to harden. 混凝土砌块是将拌合好的混凝土浇注在模子中,养护至凝固而制成。
Discussion on Several Hot Spot Issues for Precast Concrete Consolidated Foundation of Tower Crane 混凝土预制拼装塔机基础几个热点问题探讨
Percussion precast concrete pile 撞击式预制混凝土桩
An investigation on the retention of fiber reinforced composite post with different bonding cements Hammer not only the single pile hammer with hard combinations precast concrete plant pipe pile, steel sheet pile, the pile. 不同粘固材料对纤维桩固位力的影响该锤不仅可单锤与桩架组合打植混凝土预制管桩、方桩、钢板桩、灌注桩。
Partitions of lightweight precast concrete blocks and hollow clay blocks have fire-resisting qualities and contribute to thermal insulation. They are, therefore, widely used. 而用加气混凝土砌块和空心砖砌筑的隔墙因为其耐火和隔热性能良好也被广泛应用。
The hidden corbel is the vital supporting member in the dry beam-column connections in full precast concrete frame. 在全预钢筋制混凝土框架梁柱干式暗牛腿节点中,钢筋混凝土暗牛腿是重要的竖向传力构件。
Problems and Its Treatment Measures in Interlocked Precast Concrete Block Construction 联锁式砼预制块施工中的问题及处理措施
Precast concrete factory is the ideal equipment. 是水泥预制厂的理想设备。
On Construction of Static Pressure Prestress Precast Concrete Tube Pile 浅谈静压预应力混凝土预制管桩施工
Application of Assembling Precast Concrete Structures in Japan 装配式预制混凝土结构在日本的应用
Installation of steel structures and cladding. Fabricate and install docking, front wall steel structure. Precast concrete and stressing work. 安装钢结构及盖面板、平台和前墙结构建造安装,混凝土预制件及张拉工程。
Research on non-linear moment-curvature of unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete beams 无粘结预应力装配梁非线性弯矩曲率的研究
Specification for quality control of concrete and precast concrete components 混凝土及预制混凝土构件质量控制规程
Structural analysis of precast concrete frames considering joint stiffness 考虑节点刚度的预制混凝土框架结构分析
Between these are fixed precast concrete external cladding panels. 在它们之间填上预制混凝土的外层空心板。
Precast concrete panel in situ reinforced concrete deck slab 预制混凝土桥面镶板就地建筑的钢筋混凝土桥面板
Precast concrete panel The anchorages may be located on the outside of the deck. 预制混凝土桥面镶板锚碇可布置在桥面板上。
Precast concrete deck unit 预制混凝土桥面组合
This paper analyses nonlinear behaviors and seismic performances of4 unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete beams with ADINA finite element software. 利用ADINA有限元软件对4个无粘结预应力装配混凝土节点进行了非线性有限元分析,并且对分析结果与试验结果进行了对比。
Precast concrete requires careful attention to the joinery between precast elements. 对于预制混凝土结构物,需要十分注意预制构件间的连接。
On application of precast concrete structure and residence industrialization 预制混凝土结构的应用与住宅产业化
Selection on Quality Control and Strength Evaluation Method of Precast Concrete 预制混凝土质量控制和混凝土强度评定方法选择
At last, the effects on seismic characteristics of unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete joints with differences strengthening methods are analyzed. 分析了不同加固方法对无粘结后张预应力装配节点抗震性能的影响。
Construction technology of a new precast concrete structure system in Hong Kong 香港地区新型预制混凝土结构体系施工研究